Find us in Euclid

Serving Northeast Ohio since 1946

878 E 222nd St
Euclid, OH 44123

Doing drycleaning in Northeast Ohio since 1946

C o u l d   You   D o   U s a   B i g   Fa v o r?        A n d   G e t    $ 10   F o r  Y o u r   E  f  f o r t  s?


Would you go to Google and search for Jay Dee Cleaners here in Euclid and give us a rating in Google Places? It would mean a lot to help us build our online reputation.

Here is the link

We’re also active on Yelp so if you use Yelp, give us a rating there, too.

Naturally, I’m hoping for good ratings. If you have something bad to say, call me at 216-731-7060, and let’s talk about it.

I’ll give anyone $10.00 in free dry cleaning for helping us build our online reputation (no matter what you say) with any and all of these ratings. Just shoot me an e-mail at and let me know you have rated us…and I will credit your account as a “thank you.” make sure you put the phone number you use with us, so I credit the correct account.

Dave John & Paul